Time To Heal Retreat
Your Time To Heal Begins Now
We hosted our first Time To Heal retreat in Sorrento, BC October 2022 and we can't wait to welcome Survivors to our next retreat in the fall of 2023.
The Time To Heal Retreat is open to all adult female survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Participants must be 18 years of age to attend. At the retreat, you can participate in a variety of activities to help you heal from the trauma of sexual abuse. The Time To Heal Retreat is free for Survivors, you are responsible for your travel to and from the retreat.
All lodging, classes and meals are included at no cost.
To apply please connect with us today.

Through a 5 day retreat that incorporates, education, somatic release techniques, proven ancient holistic healing practice, equine-assisted therapy, and a powerful survivor community; we will empower you with the tools you need to catapult your healing journey.
In a safe, caring environment you will shift into a new perspective so you can finally shed the shame and unhealthy behaviors that have ruled your life for so long, making it possible for you to step into your truth and become who you were always meant to be.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space, in that space is our power to choose our response, and in our response lies our growth and freedom”- Gordon Bruin Clinical Director - The Haven Retreat

While attending the Time To Heal Retreat you will have the opportunity to attend classes designed to assist you on your mission to change old patterns and behaviors that were created when you experienced the trauma of being sexually abused as a child.
Some of the classes include Grounding & Trigger Management, Restorative Sleep, and Overcoming Shame, were all designed to help you learn and integrate new healthy habits in your daily lives long after you leave the retreat.
At the Time To Heal Retreat you will be immersed in proven ancient holistic healing practice including somatic release techniques such as Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, Muay Thai, Tai Chi, EFT (emotional freedom technique), and Reiki which are key to helping release the energy that was stored in your body when you survived the sexual abuse as a child.
In addition to the somatic release, you will learn the ancient practices of Mindfulness and Awareness so you can connect with your body and ground yourself to the here and now; which are very important techniques to practice when you are being triggered or experiencing emotional stress.

While attending the Time To Heal Retreat you will be given the very unique opportunity to participate in equine-assisted therapy. This form of therapy requires no previous knowledge or experience working with horses, all that is asked of you is to be open to the possibility that these majestic animals have a unique ability to look deep into your soul.
As survivors, repressed emotions are one of the most difficult challenges to overcome. With this scientifically proven therapy, your horse will act as a mirror and help you identify your psychological state so you can work through repressed emotions stored deep in the limbic system of your brain.
Upon arriving home from the retreat you will be encouraged to join your group of fellow participants for a self-lead online support group. Here you will come together once a week to cheer on and support each other during the transition back into your daily lives.
You will be joined by your group leader for the first two meetings to help assist you in the start-up of your support group. By creating a safe space to come together with people you trust, you take home with you the support, encouragement and safety you had while attending Time To Heal. The bonds that you build with the other survivors will be lifelong, and their love, compassion, and kindness will be a powerful asset on your path to healing.

After years of dedicating herself to every and any type of therapy or healing practice she could find, Crystal is here to share with you what worked and what didn't and to offer you advice and guidance on ways to find healing within your own heart.
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